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ExpressOne Connector for PrestaShop
The module handles the carriers, parcelshop selector and data transmission to ExpressOne (WebCas) via their API.
PickPackPont Shipping Selector for PrestaShop
This carrier module allows the usage of the hungarian PickPackPont delivery service. When a user selects this carrier at the checkout, he/she will have to select a pickup point from…
MicroProductUpdate – CSV Price and Stock Updater
This module allows you to easily update your products' stock and price from simple CSV files. Combinations are supported.
Magyar Posta – PostaPont Selector and Order Export for PrestaShop
This module allows you to have the MPL and PostaPont shipping carriers in your shop. The module also offers the option to export orders made with these carriers, then import…
CategoryMessages – Notifications on category and product pages
This module allows you to display notices on category pages and their product pages.
Olcsóbbat – CSV Product Feed for PrestaShop
This module handles the product export (CSV) for olcsobbat.hu and olcso.hu.
Árgép – CSV Product Feed for PrestaShop
This module handles the product export (CSV) for argep.hu.
Árukereső – Compari – Pazaruvaj – Product feed and TrustedShop Integration for PrestaShop
This module handles the product feed (CSV export) and allows you to add the Arukereso Trusted Shop code to your PrestaShop without having to touch the files.
Axelpro Order Export for PrestaShop
The module allows the AxelPro Számlázó Program to pull new orders from the shop so you can make invoices easily.